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Toolchain for the Uxn stack machine.


imagine an api. now imagine, that api is bad.


Source Mage spells collection


Nix(OS) Configuration


Game Boy emulator


Libraries of formalized mathematics with an emphasis on statistics and causal inference.


Project showcasing how emacs would fit into sourcehut


my dotfiles


Plot financial time-series


GNU Compiler Collection


Data Lake for Zettelkasten


git-annex (mirror)


LVM2 and device-mapper


Portable Foreign Function Interface for R7RS Scheme


Dynamic binary patcher

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~sbinet/sako #go #golang #wallabag

A Wallabag-compatible articles safekeeper

~delthas/senpai #irc #cli #ircv3

A modern terminal IRC client

~theonlymrcat/rivet #risc-v #emulator

A toy RISC-V emulator written as a learning project for Zig.


A coreboot distribution providing free/open-source boot firmware on x86/ARM computers.

~mil/mobroute #gtfs #routing #public-transit

General-Purpose & Minimal FOSS Public Transportation Router

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