Messing around my $HOME
Other places to find me (in order of preference for contact methods)
WIP!!! - Online calculator utilities with Go backend and no other dependencies
full-featured spartan server in go
minimalist line-mode smolnet client (gemini, gopher, spartan, nex)
Online playground and JavaScript runtime for the Cognate programming language
misc code stuff mostly experiments and horrible solutions
Generate and auto-update table of contents list for markdown
tiny collection of shell scripts for rawtext.club
CLI spartan:// downloader with zero-dependencies
Python library for spartan
My solutions for foobar.withgoogle.com
Welcome to my $HOME
TodoMVC in the terminal, in multiple languages and TUI frameworks
Tree-sitter grammar and editor plugins for the Cognate programming language
Significantly improved fork of symbols-outline.nvim. Sidebar with tree-like outline of symbols powered by LSP
2024, now in fennel