Working with teams, changing things and the way we work. Any personal contribution of this user is MIT licensed. Opinions expressed on behalf of himself only.
Calibrate (Finnish kalibroida) software through code and data driven tests.
Confiture (Finnish konfiguroida) with whole fruits - data oriented programming for configuration and friends.
Magnetism (Finnish: magnetismi) - another opinionated World Magnetic Model calculator.
Pipeline (Finnish: putki) - discovering and executing a specific task description.
Fuzz a language by mixing up only few words.
Reshape (Danish: omforme).
In front or behind (Danish: foran eller bagved)? Answering the question if a local repository status is in front of or behind its remote.
Implementation of dict supporting context managed thread safe and mutable iterations through a lock
Puristaa (Finnish for compress)
Convert (Finnish: muuntaa) CVRF v1.2 XML to CSAF v2.0 JSON documents.
Label (Finnish: etiketti) some files.
From the place (Finnish: paikalta) we derive the name.
Consolidation of existing third party recipes for partitioning of sets and multisets/bags.
Detour (Finnish: kiertotie) per rsync proxy to https mirror node.
Calculate (Finnish: laskea) some parts.