Love cats, programming, philosophy, music, languages and videogames. Being kind is cool.
I worked on the Hare programming language, please check it out! https://harelang.org
Image by Irasutoya.
A 3D game engine from scratch.
A page that collects projects from the Hare community. Feel free to submit yours!
A quick music reference website.
The Windows 3.1 “starfield” screensaver in Hare.
Advent of Code 2020, in Rust.
A Twitch bot coded live on the clumsy computer stream.
thursday is a machine learning model for classifying the works of various classical music composers according to their musical characteristics.
A library to work with PGM files in Javascript.
Advent of Code 2021, in C.
Macrotone is a new framework for creating musical tuning systems, as an alternative to our current Western-centric system, with support for composing with custom microtonal tuning systems using a built-in musical programming language.
This is an implementation of Snake in x64 assembly!
A Discord bot for listening to podcasts.
A set of cautious and easy-to-use C string functions.
A Vulkan sketch for the peony game engine.
An attempt to find patterns in German noun genders.