I wrote my personal site in golang to escape the comforts of static nginx and actually learn how a webserver works.
Original inspiration came from this blog post.
templating html files that are basically little jigsaw puzzles
real multilingual content/url localization for spanish and german
atom feed for rss readers
fancy http status error pages
md -> html for articles
blog organized w/ tagging system from my dblog repo
[ ] generate site map
[ ] finish recommend page api
[ ] move away from pandoc+perl for md->html
more todos at acsq.me/todo. You can submit more suggestions on sr.ht or just emailing me at angel@acsq.me.
Code for this site is under the GPLv3. See LICENSE
for more
This site uses my dblog repo as an interface
between the sqlite database and my code. That package is licensed under the
LGPLv3. See it's LICENSE