This application locates any stocks you have in your ledger-cli file, then generates a price database of those stocks compatible with the application.
This package has been published to, and is installable with cargo.
cargo install ledgerdb
Gets price updates for stock ticker symbols in your ledger-cli file
Usage: ledgerdb --file <LEDGER> --pricedb <PRICEDB> <--alpha-token <ALPHA_TOKEN>|--tiingo-token <TIINGO_TOKEN>>
-f, --file <LEDGER> Takes the filepath to your ledger-cli file
-p, --pricedb <PRICEDB> Takes the filepath to your price database (or where to create it)
-a, --alpha-token <ALPHA_TOKEN> Takes an AlphaVantage API token, available for free
-t, --tiingo-token <TIINGO_TOKEN> Takes a Tiingo API token, available for free
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Use the -a flag to pass an AlphaVantage token, available for free from: AlphaVantage. The free tier of this API currently has a 25 request per day limit, where each request includes one ticker from your ledger-file.
Use the -t flag to pass in a Tiingo token, available for free from: Tiingo. The free tier of this API currently has a 50 request per hour limit, and a 1000 request per day limit. Each request includes one ticker from your ledger-file.