I'm an art student and cybersecurity expert who loves free software and slow tech.
apuntes de mis horas cosiendo
collection of useful scripts for atmospheric data in Sierra Nevada (Granada)
using python to create emotional statistics for aljibe locations in Granada, Spain
a sound project with arduino for a sound sculpture
a very simple command-line CTI tool
75429cb aƱado imagenes
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/apuntes-de-costura git
3405f27 adding readme and license
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/apuntes-de-costura git
4f26270 added pendulo
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
cad01df adding radio bmp temp
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
6517cba added bmp code
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
13db37f added code for moisture sensor
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
38b437c adding receiver lora code
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
738b0d1 adding LORA ino files
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/SierraNevada git
c004522 updating the readme
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/emotional_map git
b3a771c adding contents
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/emotional_map git
f5e140c adding license
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/imaginary_map git
463f16e adding more instructions
~alienagain pushed to ~alienagain/imaginary_map git