
My shader playground

47b03e4 WiP: Add capturing via mmap

~andri pushed to ~andri/shaderthing git

6 months ago

78c9d44 WiP: Add capturing via mmap

~andri pushed to ~andri/shaderthing git

6 months ago

#Shader Thing


Shader thing is a program that renders simple GLSL fragment shaders.

It supports some of the input variable names from ShaderToy and glslsandbox.com.

#GLSL Input Variables (Uniforms):

  • vec2 mouse/iMouse - The mouse location in pixel coordinates
  • vec2 resolution/iResolution - The dimensions of the window in pixel coordinates
  • float time/iTime - Time since the start of the program in seconds
  • float time_delta/timeDelta/iTimeDelta - Time passed since last frame in seconds
  • float frame/iFrame - Total frame count since the start of the program