05959db refactor: switch websocket library
refactor: switch websocket library
~ashkeel pushed to ~ashkeel/strimertul git
0be124f update kilovolt
update kilovolt
~ashkeel pushed to ~ashkeel/kilovolt-driver-pebble git
2bfe95b update: update deps
update: update deps
~ashkeel pushed to ~ashkeel/kilovolt git
d77e0a1 release 4.0
release 4.0
~ashkeel pushed to ~ashkeel/strimertul-website git
d1cd25e ci: update wails action AGAIN
ci: update wails action AGAIN
4acd54d push beta build
push beta build
#32 logo in compiled build is broken
~ashkeel filed ticket on strimertul todo
8a2a036 ci: update wails action
ci: update wails action
0af8229 refactor: update md5
refactor: update md5