21abc5f update readme
update readme
~brettgilio pushed to ~brettgilio/org-webring git
d1c234c Correct wording in README.
Correct wording in README.
64f8ea0 Update known forks.
Update known forks.
377fe55 Mark project as archived.
Mark project as archived.
Cache & Offline
~brettgilio via org-webring
Re: How to use org-webring offline
8a35e97 Mention EmacsConf in README
Mention EmacsConf in README
How to use org-webring offline
~jlicht via org-webring
cc46df8 v -> 2.0.0
v -> 2.0.0
fe7440e v -> 1.9.8-rc4
v -> 1.9.8-rc4
77a6133 Create a variable for the attribution prefix text.
Create a variable for the attribution prefix text.
2bc2e74 Set ox-hugo preemption fallback for < 27.x
Set ox-hugo preemption fallback for < 27.x
00b1e8f Work around let-binding bias.
Work around let-binding bias.