
Swiss-army knife for notetaking and personal knowledge management, all from the commandline.

664d430 v0.0.8 update

3 days ago

6d02926 create_journal refactored & bug fix for 'journal open <date>'

5 days ago


fern is a swiss-army knife for your notetaking and personal knowledge management. Fern is a commandline tool to manage, curate, and search a vault of your personal notes. It offers an alternative to heavier GUI-based notetaking management applications. It was designed for systems that are resource constrained or for users that value the privacy and security of their data.

Fern has support for daily Journals (think a Engineer's log), Templates, and Bookmarking Notes. It has a RegEx compatable full-text search of Notes to find records in your Vault.

#Installing Fern

  1. Clone this repo.
    git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bugwhisperer/fern
  2. Change into this repo directory.
    cd fern
  3. Run the install.sh script
  4. Setup a new Fern Vault.
    fern vault create <path-to-vault-folder>

#Using Fern

After installing fern, run fern help or the manpage documentation (you did install the manpage, didn't you?), man fern for more guidance on using fern.

#Found a bug? Feature idea?

Please open any tickets for bugs found or feature requests here: https://todo.sr.ht/~bugwhisperer/Fern-Issues.