Re: [PATCH cloudtube 1/1] If multiple languages found, look for default
~cadence via tube-devel
be33a66 If multiple languages found, look for default
If multiple languages found, look for default
~cadence pushed to ~cadence/cloudtube git
[PATCH cloudtube 1/1] If multiple languages found, look for default
~ranyardm via tube-devel
[PATCH cloudtube 0/1] Fixes the AI dubs issue
Re: CloudTube -the "play" option is misleading
~lomanic via tube-devel
~pizzahut via tube-devel
CloudTube -the "play" option is misleading
CloudTube - in local-video.js, why the fetched hostname is not the config.js "instance" value
NewLeaf - could you provide a "outgoing proxy" option ?
CloudTube on iOS Safari goes fullscreen while pressing the "play" button
Re: A package for NewLeaf ?