Oregon, USA
A BytePusher virtual machine, written in C.
A lightweight NES emulator, written in C.
A lightweight GameBoy emulator, written in C.
An Icom 7300 time/date utility, written in C.
d9a7b33 code cleanup
code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/bpvm git
809d2c1 code cleanup
4f22c05 code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/nesi git
35ea066 code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/nesl git
c76bb11 code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/dmgl git
82669e7 code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/dmgi git
b15e58a code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/dmga git
2db8a7f code cleanup
~dajolly pushed to ~dajolly/dmg git
a390f31 code cleanup
14f3d87 add const version
add const version
e0f07e7 code cleanup
16e7141 code cleanup
932a87a code cleanup
498c163 cleanup test makefiles
cleanup test makefiles
aa92987 add generator
add generator