4cada3c closure op: align function on 32-bit systems
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
11fd8f6 vm: apply_cl: remove most of the function-local variables - prefer op-local ones instead
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
75a4bb7 vm: apply_cl: remove most of the function-local variables - prefer op-local ones instead
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
8eed926 vm: _applyn restore stack, no need for repetition elsewhere
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
3f4a492 closure op: refactor for readability
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
fdd1fd3 vm: rearrange ops logic from most frequent to least frequent hit
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
377087f remove unused stuff from .lsp files
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
e945ea0 defined FWD_BIT for forwarding during GC
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
5666cf9 l(v)argc -> (v)argc.l for consistency
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git
c6cf65a rename leftovers (define+define-macro)
~ft pushed to ~ft/femtolisp git