
守る - a remote administration/moderation tool for scp: sl

New git repository added

3 days ago

c9e8eeb prevent error for callback

~furry pushed to ~furry/mamoru-auth git

3 days ago

#Mamoru (守る)

守る is a remote administration/moderation tool for the game SCP: Secret Laboratory, aiming to be a faster, foss, and uncomplicated alternative to cedmod. this project contains 4 repositories, listed below.


mamoru is not complete yet! it is still in a very early stage. to keep up with the progress, feel free to subscribe to the mamoru-announce mailing list. if you have any suggestions or questions, you can make a post in the mamoru-discuss mailing list. (ps. you do not need an account to do create a post!)


to dive into how 守る works as a whole, a good starting point is the mamoru architecture docs. if you would like to contribute, or have technical questions, make a post in the mamoru-devel mailing list.

#repositories list

  • mamoru-server
    • the source for the exiled plugin, which is installed on the server
  • mamoru-web
    • the source for the web ui that the user interacts with
  • mamoru-auth
    • the source for the auth microservice
  • mamoru-docs
    • hosts docs such as architecture and openapi spec for 守る