My config files for vim, tmux, zsh, mutt, etc.
Configs for my qmk keyboards.
My dwm based desktop environment.
A lightweight vim plugin for Go - personal fork of vim-go
FlipperZero firmware and others.
1176277 bash: reverse sort fzy result on ctrl-r
~gnkv pushed to ~gnkv/dotfiles git
ca21686 vim: add netrw file manipulation bindings
~gnkv pushed to ~gnkv/dotfiles git
276373e vim: add buflist with fzy command
~gnkv pushed to ~gnkv/dotfiles git
e17009f vim: remove go specific plugins and rely on lsp only
~gnkv pushed to ~gnkv/dotfiles git
9c03f69 bash: use rg --files to list files
~gnkv pushed to ~gnkv/dotfiles git