303a581 ruff.toml: sort and reformat file
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
873b6b5 pyproject.toml: add .[codeqa] to dev meta extra
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
688e4e6 noxfile: fix missing f-string prefix in noxfile
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
10912e4 Add official support for Python 3.12.
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
f93b30d FactoryFrozenMappie.new: rename
arg to cls
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
6a08086 FrozenMappie: add tests for copy and deepcopy
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
f54f017 packaging: add BuildRequires: gnupg2
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
175c913 .builds: update copr webhook secret
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
d19e5b4 .builds: cd to correct dir for copr-webhook (2)
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git
461a453 .builds: cd to correct dir for copr-webhook
~gotmax23 pushed to ~gotmax23/mappie git