
My configuration files

4a38fb5 scripts(capture): Increase background alpha

~grtcdr pushed to ~grtcdr/dotfiles git

6 days ago

0efe0cc foot: Tweak UI settings

~grtcdr pushed to ~grtcdr/dotfiles git

9 days ago

This repository contains my configuration files, it's all very personal but you're welcome to peek through the files, you might stumble upon a hidden gem or something.

The structure of the repository may look weird to you at first sight but that's because the files are managed by Stow which expects directories to be organized a certain way.


Clone the repository somewhere underneath $HOME, .dotfiles is a good name but it can be just about anything.

git clone https://git.sr.ht/~grtcdr/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles

Top-level directories such as sway, zathura and others are referred to by stow as packages.

Stowing a package will apply the appropriate symlink(s) between the source i.e. ~/.dotfiles and target tree, primarily ~/.config.

To install the sway package, run the following in a shell:

cd ~/.dotfiles
stow sway

~/.config/sway should now be soft-linked to ~/.dotfiles/sway/.config/sway, modifications to one file are reflected in the other.

To stow the entire tree, execute the stow script.