f4a3e07 Update install script; no need to compile anymore
~habitat pushed to ~habitat/core git
a top-down browser-based MMORPG for humans and computers
Habitat is a browser-based MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game). It uses a top-down perspective, like the original Zelda games. The player travels through the game world, defeating enemies and becoming gradually more powerful.
The world of Habitat is overseen by an indeterminate number of powerful beings, including:
The universe of Habitat is broken up into distinct realms, or planes of existence. Each realm is centered at its respective origin point [0, 0], and extends infinitely in all directions. There are a handful of "well-known" realms that always exist, such as:
There are also realms that fall into broad categories (Heavens, Hells), eg:
In Habitat, a mind is like a room: you can open the door and walk inside. You can stash items there. In this sense, an entity's mind functions like its inventory. Any items given to an entity are deposited near the origin point of its mind. But minds are also a kind of "home base" for entities: a safe haven where they can retreat in order to rest up. Most importantly, minds are realms, which means that they are just as much a part of the physical game world as anywhere else. In fact, all gameplay within the universe of Habitat takes place within someone's mind; it's just a question of which entity's mind is serving as your current plane of being at a given time.
This means that every entity is always situated within a nested set of minds, like matryoshka dolls, beginning with the entity's current plane of existence, and extending outward until we reach an entity that is located within its own mind.
Some entities do not really exist, except as the vessel for the realm that lives within their mind. Like a Gaia spirit of sorts.
All of the non-player characters in the game world speak a distinct language among themselves. This language is called sananife, (sȯ-nə-'nē-fā, 0x5a9a91fe) which is also the word for beingdom — the collective group of all beings in the game. Human-controlled players need to learn to understand sananife before they can communicate verbally within the game. This is true even for communication strictly between player characters: if you want to communicate within the game world, you must speak sananife.
Sananife is a pretty basic language in terms of mechanics. It uses an alphabet of 16 characters, corresponding to the 16 possible digits in hexadecimal representation: abcdefghinorstuw
hex: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
character: | o | i | r | w | u | s | g | t | h | n | a | b | c | d | e | f |
We can then combine these characters in pairs to form the 55 morae -- the fundamental building blocks of the sananife language. Each mora must consist of a consonant (bcdfghnrstw
) followed by a vowel (aeiou
, fa
, wo
.This yields the following mora table:
b | c | d | f | g | h | n | r | s | t | w | |
a | ba |
ca |
da |
fa |
ga |
ha |
na |
ra |
sa |
ta |
wa |
e | be |
ce |
de |
fe |
ge |
he |
ne |
re |
se |
te |
we |
i | bi |
ci |
di |
fi |
gi |
hi |
ni |
ri |
si |
ti |
wi |
o | bo |
co |
do |
fo |
go |
ho |
no |
ro |
so |
to |
wo |
u | bu |
cu |
du |
fu |
gu |
hu |
nu |
ru |
su |
tu |
wu |
From here, we can start to combine morae to create distinct words. For instance, sa
+ na
. The word sa
, by itself, is the base form of the verb meaning to be. na
is a marker mora, which is normally used to indicate the subject of a sentence. However, when affixed to the end of a verb, it transforms that verb into a noun (similiar to adding -ification
in english). sana
, the combined word, is the sananife word for being (any sentient entity within the game world). Similarly, the mora ni
, by itself, is used to signal a positive tone. fe
, by itself is a marker mora used to indicate numbers. Combining ni
+ fe
gives us nife
, the sananife word for all or every. Adding -nife
as a suffix to another noun is akin to adding -dom
in english (eg, videogame-dom): it signifies the abstract existence of all the instances of that noun. So sananife
, all together, means something close to beingdom, which is akin to humanity but also extends to non-human characters in the game world.
There are two principal dialects of sananife, as spoken by entities within the game world. The first is what's called "new" sananife, or sananife ninu (literally good sananife). It consists only of the characters abcdefghinorstuw
, plus any necessary whitespace or punctuation. And, while sananife is fundamentally case insensitive, new sananife tends to capitalize the beginnings of sentences, as well as proper nouns, to make things easier for human readers.
However, there's also "old" sananife (sananife gorabafe), which is a bit closer to the actual byte representation that gets sent over the wire. Unlike sananife ninu, old sananife does not do human readers the favor of substituting the alphabetical digits oirwusgthn
for the hexadecimal digits 0-9. Nor does it clean up the raw hexadecimal values for punctuation and whitespace. The words sananife gorabafe are written in old sananife as 5a9a91fe00602abafe
. Note the 00
marker after the 91fe
: that's how spaces are encoded. The punctuation marks are also assigned values starting with 0
: (.
= 0a
, ?
= 0e
, !
= 01
, etc). This makes it pretty easy to programmatically determine where words are located in a sananife string, because the mora are not allowed to start with a number.
language | - |
ninu | Na sananifena disa be tibe no nugocino! |
gorabafe | 9a005a9a91fe9a00d15a00be0071be0090009460c19001 |
english | Literally: Sananife is you now! Colloquially: You're a part of Habitat now! |
"Friendly" entities in the game world tend to speak sananife ninu, although they also understand sananife gorabafe. However, the demons and their offspring, as well as other primordial entities at the farther reaches of the game universe — they only speak gorabafe. (It would be quite creepy to be exploring some far-flung realm, when suddenly you find yourself surrounded by a group of ancient menhirs, all chanting at you in raw, incomprehensible hexadecimal.)
As a player gradually becomes more powerful within the game world, and they spend more time listening to sananife being spoken around them, their skill level with the language will increase. This will allow their game client to perform inline translation of any incoming sananife messages into the user's preferred language. A higher language skill also allows players to compose their own messages in sananife from human-language input. However, gorabafe is much harder to translate than ninu, and requires a higher skill level.
Sananife is extremely easy to pronounce, once you know how each vowel should sound:
vowel | pronunciation |
a | ah (as in "call") |
e | ay (as in "rage") |
i | ee (as in "free") |
o | oh (as in "grow") |
u | oo (as in "true") |
When pronouncing a word with multiple syllables, the accent should always fall on the next to last syllable; e.g., sananife is pronounced``sah nah NEE fay`.
Also, the morae ce
and ci
are pronounced with a hard K sound ("kay" and "key").
Visually, Habitat is pretty primitive. It's essentially just a bunch of boxes moving around, interacting with each other and with the terrain behind them. That framework acts as a blank canvas; the entities of the game world are free to draw upon that canvas.
The game mechanics for Habitat are relatively simple. It's a two-dimensional top-down universe, meaning that there is no force of gravity to worry about. All gameplay occurs in real-time; it is not turn-based.
Entities interact with the game world via spells. Spells are the fundamental units of change within the game. They change the state of the universe in specific ways. For instance, there's the MOVE
spell, which allows an entity to move up, down, left or right within its current plane. Or the FIND
spell, which allows an entity to search for other nearby entities matching a certain description.
You can think of spells like kernel syscalls: small, fundamental actions that you can take to mutate the system. Those spells may be wrapped up in more complex invocations, but underneath the covers it's just a series of the basic spells being cast. For instance, an entity may have an ability that creates a fireball and also restores some health to it. Those would be different syscalls.
Each entity has a certain amount of available health. When the entity takes damage, it is deducted from their current health. If the entity runs out of health, they are banished back into their own mind. This is akin to "dying" and being reborn.
Energy within Habitat is broken up into nine distinct elemental bands: death, earth, fire, life, light, metal, shadow, water, and the void. Each entity can choose which element force it wishes to align with. There are different pros/cons to each.
Aside from entities, the fabric of the game world itself is modifiable. Entities can use the PROJECT
spell to change the background texture within their current plane of being. This background texture is important, because the pixels used in it affect the elemental alignment of the corresponding game area. Lots of black pixels means excess void energy in that area of the world; lots of red pixels means an abundance of fire energy; and so on. Entities can be conferred with special powers when they stand in areas dominated by their respective elemental alignment. Conversely, bad things can happen to entities that stand within the power of rival element types.
Okay, well, so what? What makes Habitat different from other games out there? I think these are the three main things:
I currently build and run Habitat directly on Ubuntu 20. That's the only supported environment right now, although I'd be very surprised if it didn't work across Debian in general. For running on a non-native Linux machine, I recommend just wrapping it in a VM. I don't currently have any wrappers checked into VC for virtualization (Docker etc, Terraform) but I am planning to add in the future. Note that those will not be located in this repo, which only includes the core Habitat process runtime.
git clone git@git.sr.ht:~habitat/core
cd habitat
npm install
This will prompt you to allow the installation of a habitat
script on your
system, which isn't required, but makes certain system management stuff a bit
easier. It exposes the following subcommands:
subcommand | description |
start |
Starts the local runtime server. |
stop |
Stops the runtime server. |
restart |
About what you'd expect. |
tail |
Tail the runtime server. |
reset |
Reset all data currently resident in the runtime. Requires confirmation. |
watch |
Watch for local file changes and recompiles the source files. |
Once you run habitat start
to bring up the local runtime server, you should then be able to access the game via: https://www.habitat.dev/login
The default user credentials are:
The tech stack for Habitat is pretty basic. Essentially all domain code is written in Typescript. There are different kinds of servers responsible for different things, but they all run within the same parent daemon (called the "runtime daemon"). That daemon process reads the list of desired services (workloads) from the ~/.habitat/services.json
file when it starts up, and starts those services accordingly. So that means we can throw all the necessary services in that file for development, but then on production boxes the file can specify only a single desired workload.
Most game data is stored in MySQL tables. Redis is used for storing sessions as well as a pubsub broker for messages within the game world.
Habitat uses a relatively simple network architecture -- much simpler than most MMORPG's out there. This is possible due to the fact that the game does not use central authoritative gameservers. Instead, it uses an "edges-only" topology where clients connect to the nearest edge server, and those edge servers have full authority to modify the production game databases as they see fit. When a client (ie, someone's browser) creates a socket connection to one of the edge servers, that server then creates a thin game client of its own to match. It will amass a view of the universe at the player's location and use that to determine whether the player's browser is sending it valid information or not.
You're probably wondering: if there's no centralized server, then how do we control all the non-player characters (NPC's) that populate the game world? Excellent question. Some entities (read: more important ones) are controlled via separate client processes. Essentially these are separate hosts that connect to the edge servers, exactly like browser clients do, and then use heuristics and goals to determine what actions the NPC entities should take.
However, there are more entities crawling around the world of Habitat than would probably be feasible to control directly in this manner. So the edge servers also use some slight of hand to control basic entities in the immediate vicinity of the player.