9347651 first pass of unifying console and wasm code
first pass of unifying console and wasm code
~ionous pushed to ~ionous/tapestry git
edf5e57 Update releases.md
Update releases.md
07c56e5 release prep
release prep
1fe0e70 revert the uid from mdl kind
revert the uid from mdl kind
9ac3bee fixes for conversation
fixes for conversation
33e5d8b text markup: ordered lists handling
text markup: ordered lists handling
c14ba1d remove unused field
remove unused field
601eded remove unused field
#70 Understandings can match nouns
~ionous filed ticket on tapestry todo
a9a2c40 quips: wip, weaves but untested
quips: wip, weaves but untested
381ef1b cloak: fix long and short name issues
cloak: fix long and short name issues
27c3eb1 menu fixes
menu fixes
a079592 update go.mods
update go.mods
#69 minor: idl: optional bool defaults
~ionous commented on tapestry todo