gwit - Web sites over Git
bfd8dc0 Update project description and target sites.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
277d42e Do not fail if named ref exists for shortened hash on URI retrieval.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
79c700b Note Git repository hash type in permanent link example.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
4cd66cd Be more precise and consistent about full format of commit hashes.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
28b3593 Clarify note on percent-encoded Git tag or branch names in URIs.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
6937e1b Rename the
directory to .gwit
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
bb76510 Add link to esLibre 2024 talk page.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-docs git
f4a5baf Mention URIs in the introduction to basic concepts.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
123b652 State mapping of locations with Git remotes & URLs as basic concept.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
448417a Add "then" when it helps with readability.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
65888e5 Make URI retrieval fail if site config file exists & fails to parse.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
8acaf80 Make references to the ban of hex tag/branch names more consistent.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
aca7fb3 Minor corrections and enhancements for readability.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
9a7cfd1 Correct mentions to INI "sections" which are actually subsections.
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git
6c1103f The Well-Known URI file can only have one
~ivilata pushed to ~ivilata/gwit-spec git