UTC+02:00, EU DST applied
I do things on the computer.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGx0AdLyJEwH3mVLqpo6r9wztgseynCKW2sgzhCCV1jO
Personal gentoo overlay
here's my website repos grouped together
An argon pro skin with way too much information (for osu!lazer)
An argon pro skin with way too much information, version 2 (for osu!lazer)
Generate QuickStatements commands to fill in big software version gaps in Wikidata
a5a0ec0 reword some readme stuff
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay git
c8354bf add space
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
3aad8ea macOS useless shortcut
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
c0959b5 add note about uptime and availability
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay git
7cf0ef1 fix typo
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay git
8ab806f rewrite accounts to be markdown
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
e28c0db update bug reporting
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/gentoo-overlay git
b0f7622 add gentoo overlay link
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
475ae7c fixup! update my name
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
9410cd6 fix all use of IsProduction
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
f7b7507 apps on linux/macos with encrypted drive
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
4ac6849 add some gayming benchmarks
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
fa89340 remove extra colon
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/jacksonchen666.com git
d307230 fixed
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/status.jacksonchen666.com git
71728b9 log
~jacksonchen666 pushed to ~jacksonchen666/status.jacksonchen666.com git