
General-purpose weather commands

57610e4 Upgrade API

~jagrg pushed to ~jagrg/weather git

8 months ago

7e67f88 Always return results in one line

~jagrg pushed to ~jagrg/weather git

1 year, 2 months ago

#General-purpose weather commands

This is a general-purpose command line tool to create weather widgets in conky using data from the openweathermap API.


curl and jq


mkdir -p ~/.conky
git clone https://gitlab.com/jagrg/weather.git ~/.conky
cd ~/.conky/weather
sudo make install

Or set the DESTDIR variable to install in a different location, for example:

make DESTDIR=$HOME/bin install


You can update your settings in the config file:


Once that's done you will need to (1) run weather -w to download the data and (2) configure the .conkyrc file. Then you can start conky as usual:

conky -c ~/.conky/.conkyrc

You may also consider running weather -w periodically, for example using crontab.


To show the current temperature:

$ weather

To show the current weather description:

$ weather -d
Few clouds

To show the current weather information:

$ weather -c
Temp: 29/18°, 31°    Humidity: 58%
Wind: 2km/h NE       Clouds: 9%
Rain: 0mm            Chance: 0%
UV index: 0          UV max: 9
Sunrise: 05:58       Sunset: 17:47

To show the 4-hour forecast:

$ weather -H 4
Time    Temp     Pop   UV   Description
17:00   27/27°   0%    0    Scattered clouds
18:00   24/24°   0%    0    Broken clouds
19:00   22/22°   0%    0    Broken clouds
20:00   20/21°   0%    0    Broken clouds

To show the 4-hour forecast without the header:

$ weather -H 4 | tail -n +2
17:00   27/27°   0%    0    Scattered clouds
18:00   24/24°   0%    0    Broken clouds
19:00   22/22°   0%    0    Broken clouds
20:00   20/21°   0%    0    Broken clouds

To show the header of the daily forecast:

$ weather -D 7 | head -1
Date     Temp     Rain   Pop   Description

To show everything except the header:

$ weather -D 7 | tail -n +2
Fri 9    25/16°   0mm    0%    Light rain
Sat 10   27/14°   0mm    0%    Clear sky
Sun 11   28/15°   0mm    0%    Clear sky
Mon 12   29/17°   0mm    0%    Clear sky
Tue 13   28/17°   0mm    0%    Clear sky
Wed 14   25/17°   7mm    1%    Light rain
Thu 15   25/19°   2mm    0%    Light rain
Fri 16   27/17°   0mm    0%    Broken clouds

To show a 5-day forecast:

$ weather -f 5
  24°      26°      27°      29°      30°
  17°      15°      15°      15°      16°

To show the first line only:

$ weather -f 5 | head -n -1
 24°      26°      27°      29°      30°

To show the second line only:

$ weather -f 5 | tail -1
 17°      15°      15°      15°      16°

To show the name of the days of the week:

$ weather -W 5
Thu      Fri      Sat      Sun      Mon

To show a 5-day forecast starting tomorrow:

$ weather -f 6 | cut -c 11-56
  32°      29°      19°      23°      31°
  17°      18°      17°      17°      14°

To change horizontal spacing:

$ weather -W 3 4
Thu Fri Sat
$ weather -W 3 12
Sat         Sun         Mon

To show national weather alerts (if available):

$ weather -a | fmt -u -w 45

To extract the value of object:

$ weather -e .current.dew_point

To extract the chance of rain in the next hour:

$ weather -e '.hourly[1] | "\(.pop)"'

To extract the minimum temperature tomorrow:

$ weather -e '.daily[1] | "\(.temp.min)"'

To show the time when the data was last fetched:

$ weather -t
2021-04-10 06:38

To show the relative time instead:

$ weather -t rel
4m ago

After each update, icons are moved the $cache_dir and numbered sequentially, so to add a weather icon for tomorrow, for example, use:

${image ~/.conky/.cache/02.png -s 55x55 -n}


