Michigan, USA
72a1be5 Actually it's still outputting special characters
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
360df5a Fix yt-dlp downloading options
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
208aac0 Put common shell settings into .commonrc
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
3b3e680 Add more instructions to README
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
64fa7d0 Add i3 config for laptop
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
f0d83d3 Push the months of hard work waiting to be synced
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
4f4c769 Just a normal update before an update
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git
caa6e1f Add gitignore and nvim config files
~jamesp pushed to ~jamesp/dotfiles git