.net core Gemini client.
small .net core static site generator
Asp.Net comment system.
Solutions to the advent of code 2020
8f81ab9 Remove the admin stuff from the API. This is handled by the dashboard
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/caint git
a2465f3 Highlight currently selected link
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
c024ccb Cleanish implementation. Needs to be checked for edge cases.
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
a10f438 Colour header text. Red for top level, green for others
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
becc8af Clear buffer after exit. Change to single file output
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
f49645e TUI interface for interactive mode.
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
2a2e9b4 Working on a more curses like interface
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
a67d995 Stop printing successful page fetches twice.
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/spawsh git
9c34046 FIX: More robust parsing of post type.
~jpgleeson pushed to ~jpgleeson/piaine git