
MessagePack support for Hare

67800eb better error handling

21 days ago

0c8ff4f delete COPYING

21 days ago


This package provides MessagePack support for Hare.


#From your distribution

The recommended name for this package is "hare-msgpack". Look for this, or something similar, in your local package manager. This is the preferred way to install this package.

#System-wide installation

make install


git subtree -P vendor/hare-msgpack/ add https://git.sr.ht/~jummit/hare-msgpack master


This module provides two utilities, msgpack2json and json2msgpack which can be used to debug MessagePack files.


Another utility is provided to test against a slightly modified version of the dataset provided by Yusuke Kawasaki. To use it run hare run cmd/testmpack misc/msgpack-test-suite.json.