5776886 keyboard: Fix repeat deadline handling
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
7ee58d8 server: Make optional
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
c169843 Add basic server operation
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
1d1f7d3 draw: Fix a bug I forgot the details of
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
b451a2d Fix keyboard resolve on sway
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
fcf5380 Fix fontmap resolution on sway
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
558d528 Fix xdg_toplevel background
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
3a77696 calendar: Missed preload of 'N'
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
35391c1 launcher: Paginate launcher options
~kennylevinsen pushed to ~kennylevinsen/wldash git
#2 Holding backspace down in the launcher
~kennylevinsen commented on wldash todo