
A project consisting of my system configurations and vaious nix flakes, which may be maintained

5939c2e hm emacs customization: add cscript practice functions

~lgcl pushed to ~lgcl/nuv git

2 days ago

895f199 privateMail: add lmv

~lgcl pushed to ~lgcl/nuv git

2 days ago


My nix-related repositories.

If you have questions, want to contribute to any of the repositories or just contact me, feel free to use my public-inbox mailing list ~lgcl/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht. Archives are available under https://lists.sr.ht/~lgcl/public-inbox


A collection of all my system configurations in one flake.


A CLI tool to perform tasks on my system configurations.


A repository for some documentation for the things in here; rendered at https://man.sr.ht/~lgcl/nuv/


A flake packaging osu-lazer, updated by me when I play. It uses the osu.Game.dll from the official AppImage, so score submission works.