c9b944c Use latest commits of typed-urls
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
dfe0f1a Use latest commits of typed-urls
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
180d31a Provide a dedicated page to create a new world
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
6ec306b Fix unselected radio when a primary character had no secondaries
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
0518e06 Add the POST route to update a character
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
88101e3 Add a (still not working) page to update existing characters
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
ae3306f Treat empty string as missing fields
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
aa0d93d Improve the website navigability
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git
7254f47 Reorganize the project to match the URL hierarchy
~lthms pushed to ~lthms/grimoar git