a work-in-progress chess engine
my system configuration built on nixos and home-manager
a bunch of my smaller, throwaway projects
16f4aed Fix pawns moving onto occupied squares
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
c34eee8 Parse UCI 'position <fen> moves ...' command
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
d33ebac Add dashboard
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/nixos-config git
b0e9533 Add zig, and a few emacs changes
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/nixos-config git
e42719e Update flake
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/nixos-config git
8736296 Add test for first two ply
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
0fb01c4 Add pseudolegal move generation
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
65b2a88 Add basic movegen for other pieces
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
6d1c350 Add movegen for queen
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
ab92824 Add movegen for queen
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
93c51f9 Change square and move representations to int8 and int16
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
7069e76 Add readme and license
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/thistle git
4ecdeba Initial commit
~lucymcphail pushed to ~lucymcphail/game-of-life git