My personal collection of dotfiles and config for Arch Linux and Sway on the Framework Laptop.
and/or modify the mirror list in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
.sudo pacman -S git
mkdir ~/Desktop ~/Downloads ~/Git ~/go ~/Sync ~/zig
git clone ~/Git/dotfiles
systemctl enable NetworkManager
For more details refer to Framework Laptop on the Arch Wiki.
acpi_osi=\"Windows 2020\" mem_sleep_default=deep
to the kernel parameters to enable deep sleep and add ACPI OS option to address CPU stalls.options i915 enable_psr=0
to /etc/modprobe.d/i915.conf
to disable Panel Self-Refresh.systemctl enable tlp.service
cp -r .config/* ~/.config/
# Use fish as the default shell
chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
# Logout
# Set environment variables
set --append --universal fish_user_paths ~/.local/bin/ /usr/local/bin /usr/local/go/bin ~/go/bin ~/zig
set --export --universal COLORTERM truecolor
set --export --universal EDITOR kak
set --export --universal GTK_THEME Adwaita:dark
set --export --universal MICRO_TRUECOLOR 1
set --export --universal MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND 1
set --export --universal MOZ_USE_XINPUT2 1
set --export --universal QT_QPA_PLATFORM wayland
set --export --universal QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME qt5ct
set --export --universal XCURSOR_SIZE 32
set --export --universal XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP Unity
# Update completions
to /etc/vconsole.conf
to use the terminus-font in the Linux console.gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 32
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme Papirus-Dark
.# Copy systemd unit file
cp .local/share/systemd/user/*.{service,socket} ~/.local/share/systemd/user/
systemctl daemon-reload --user
# Enable systemd services
systemctl enable --now --user kanshi.service
systemctl enable --now --user wob.socket
Name | Hex |
Foreground | #cdcdcd |
Background | #1d1d1d |
Black | #2d2d2d |
Red | #fd7d7d |
Green | #9dbd7d |
Yellow | #edcd6d |
Blue | #8daddd |
Magenta | #bd8dbd |
Cyan | #8dbdbd |
White | #dddddd |
Bright Black | #3d3d3d |
Bright Red | #dd5d5d |
Bright Green | #7ddd7d |
Bright Yellow | #edcd4d |
Bright Blue | #7daddd |
Bright Magenta | #cd9ddd |
Bright Cyan | #7dcdbd |
Bright White | #ededed |
Name | Hex |
base00 | #1d1d1d |
base01 | #2d2d2d |
base02 | #3d3d3d |
base03 | #7d7d7d |
base04 | #adadad |
base05 | #cdcdcd |
base06 | #dddddd |
base07 | #ededed |
base08 | #fd7d7d |
base09 | #fd9d5d |
base0A | #edcd6d |
base0B | #9dbd7d |
base0C | #8dbdbd |
base0D | #8daddd |
base0E | #cd9ddd |
base0F | #ad6d4d |
All content is released under the MIT License.