fea63ef feat: auto invoke
on error
~meow_king pushed to ~meow_king/ts-query-highlight git
d043073 feat: add new commands and fix bugs
~meow_king pushed to ~meow_king/ts-query-highlight git
project / mailing lists(discussions, patches, announcements) / tickets(todos, bugs)
This package can help you visualize tree sitter query. If you want to develop a new tree sitter major mode, you probably need it!
This package is highly inspired by combobulate-query-build
command in combobulate, and it can be seemed as a lightweight alternative.
Query result highlight
Symbol Completion Support
(use-package ts-query-highlight
:straight (:type git :host sourcehut :repo "meow_king/ts-query-highlight")
;; default is `dabbrev-expand`. For `cape-dabbrev`, take a look at https://github.com/minad/cape
(setq ts-query-highlight-dabbrev-expand-function 'cape-dabbrev))
If you are not satisfied with the window layout, you nay want to customize ts-query-highlight-panel-display-buffer-parameters
for the panel window, and
customize display-buffer-alist
for treesit-explore-mode
;; tree sitter
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
'("^\\*tree-sitter explorer for [^z-a]+\\*"
(side . right)
(window-width . 70)))
To disable auto invoke treesit-query-verify
on executing a query containing error,
set ts-query-highlight-panel-auto-verify-query-when-error
to nil
: open a panel for executing query.
In panel:
C-c C-c
to execute. ts-query-highlight-panel-mode-send-query
C-c C-k
to remove the highlight. ts-query-highlight-panel-mode-clean-query-res
C-c C-v
validate the query using ts-query-validate
. ts-query-highlight-panel-mode-clean-query-res
C-c C-e
to toggle display of the treesit-explore-mode
. ts-query-highlight-panel-mode-toggle-ts-explore
C-c C-q
quit. ts-query-highlight-quit
: read query from minibuffer and execute it.
: remove the query highlight in the current buffer.
Mouse hover on the overlays on source code: display capture name.
Keymap for overlays on source code:
or RET
: mark the corresponding region.Keymap for overlays inside panel:
: only highlight capture at point on source code.Completion Support:
Use either completion-at-point
or ts-query-highlight--dabbrev-expand
If you want the completion feature enabled, make sure you don't kill the buffer opened by treesit-explore-mode
, since the keyward completion uses dabbrev-expand
mechanism in that buffer.