
Yet another Markdown CMS thing

0575de8 - Apple II theme

~mkware pushed to ~mkware/sparga git

27 days ago

0575de8 - Apple II theme

~mkware pushed to ~mkware/sparga git

27 days ago


Yet another Markdown CMS thing

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.


Šparga is a Python script that generates HTML files from Markdown files using predefined HTML template and CSS theme.

Šparga allows easy website making, where user is focused on content filling and Šparga does the rest. You receive ready to upload directory with HTML, CSS files and anything else you ended up putting alongside.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the script:
    python sparga.py

Right after downloading, running the script should generate sample page in output folder that will tell you what to do next.


See docs/configuration.md for config file's options.


Custom themes are supported and very much welcome. Feel free to contribute your themes to mailing list, some of them may end up in one of the releases.