0840ec2 feat(zsh): add ctrl-t & crtl-r options
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
349e527 feat(framework): modify least amount of keys
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/mmk git
95dc794 feat(newsboat): create macros file and update
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
5c53e3a feat(zsh): shorten rate-mirros aliases
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
9a44a2b feat(framework): improve <caps> and hjkl layer
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/mmk git
098fb34 feat(framework): map <esc> and <ctrl> to <caps>
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/mmk git
8b7c3bf feat(framework): add framework kmonad config
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/mmk git
69174eb feat(newsboat): send notification with mpv open
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
dd46124 feat(gpg): create gpg alias for git commands
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
472c246 feat(etc): add libinput device configuration
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
2727d8e feat(wm): send aw stdout & stderr to void
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
f50cd45 feat(neovim): use ollama for avante autosuggestion
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git
7a32f50 feat(atuin): create atuin configuration
~mmmeon pushed to ~mmmeon/dot git