0b328a3 Cut 0.3.0: latest wgpu/sdl2, fullscreen hides mouse, default soundcard
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git
27e33be Cut 0.1.9 after dealing with winit's ridiculously unstable API
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git
02f09ce Cut 0.1.8: mostly dependency bumps, but with some error handling
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git
0b328a3 Cut 0.3.0: latest wgpu/sdl2, fullscreen hides mouse, default soundcard
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git
5f3ae8c Cut 0.2.0: Replace winit (old and busted) with sdl2 (new hotness)
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git
8201956 Remove commented out surface configuration
~nickbp pushed to ~nickbp/soundview git