
My experimental, low-pressure place where I tinker with Emacs for note-taking while the garage door up

cb0e3cf add: consult-ren-refernces-find

~nobiot pushed to ~nobiot/ren git

2 days ago

395903b refac(consult-ren): preview, user options, and docstrings

~nobiot pushed to ~nobiot/ren git

19 days ago

#Tiny Emacs Packages

Listed here is a collection of tiny Emacs libraries that I have been developing and using.

: Ten 典 - A tiny Emacs library that lets you list definitions of terms. It fontifies the terms and lets you jump to their definitions like a wiki for plain-text documents

: Ren 連 - A tiny Emacs library for note-taking that lets you use plain-text hyperlinks that work in different modes and across directories.

: Tei 綴 - Write notes. WIP

: So 礎 - Foundational common libraries for tiny libraries for note taking tools. WIP

: Roku 録 - Cache the metadata of your plain-text note files. WIP

I am following the footsteps of Chris Barrett and this collection is "experimental, low-pressure space" for me to freely and liberally tinker with Emacs with the garage door up.

"Tinker freely and Liberally" is meant to be that I assume I am the only user of these packages even when the source is visible to visitors.