Noelle's dotfiles
Solutions to the puzzles in the game EXAPUNKS
Advent of Code solutions
Advent of Code 2021 in Python 3.10
203199d 48: Add README stub
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
1452aa4 48: Placeholder
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
35f45f1 46: Solution (99 lines)
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
1ac805a 46: Add algorithm
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
fcd095a 46: new folder
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
31e11fb 45: Complete!
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
7200ff9 Switch to LF line endings
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/exapunks-solutions git
1133739 Day 13: Part 1: Update docstring
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/aoc-2023 git
aee396c Day 19: Part 1 WIP simpler regex
~noelle pushed to ~noelle/aoc-2023 git