
my neovim configuration

8235153 chore(lazy): update lockfile.

2 hours ago

48f6217 refactor: move render-markdown to langs.lua.

3 days ago


#Modern Devtools Integration

Built on modern devtools including LSP and treesitter. Treesitter delivers AST-level highlighting, text objects, and navigations, while LSP offers features like auto completion, go to definition and reference, and code diagnostics. By harnessing the power of both Ctags and LSP, this configuration brings a harmonic blend of old-school and modern development tools.

#Powerful Text Edit Plugins

Vim's exceptional text editing capabilities are further amplified by a host of powerful plugins focusing on text editing. (Remember it is pure text editing makes vim vim.)

#Tailored for Data Science

This configuration is specifically tailored toward data science toolsets, including python, R, SQL, Latex, rmarkdown, and quarto.

#Seamless Integration with Vscode

Curated configuration working together with vscode thanks to vscode-neovim. Access all the familiar neovim keybindings, including translations of equivalent commands in vscode, even when working with complex graphical content like Jupyter notebooks. And many neovim plugins, such as treesitter, can be embedded seamlessly in vscode, allowing for a smooth and uninterrupted workflow.

NOTE: If you plan to use this configuration with vscode-neovim, please use the forked repo as I decided to maintain the two configs separately. If you wish to use neovim both in the terminal and in vscode, we suggest creating two folders in ~/.config or your specified $XDG_CONFIG path. One is ~/.config/nvim, which uses the default configuration in the master branch, and the other is ~/.config/vscode-neovim, which uses the configuration in the vscode branch. This takes advantage of the NVIM_APPNAME feature in nvim 0.9. Refer to the vscode-neovim repo for further details.

Then, Set vscode-neovim.NVIM_APPNAME to vscode-neovim in vscode settings.

#Be Wild

Randomly select a theme from a curated list each time you start up and automatically switches between day and night themes at scheduled time. Additionally, the displayed verses on the welcome screen is also randomized with each launch. With neovim, you can have a fresh experience every time. Be casual and wild!



  • The welcome screen displays two verses randomly selected from my curated collection. You can select new verses and color schemes at random or access frequently used commands from this screen.


  • This screenshot showcases writing Lua code with smart autocompletion through both language server (LSP) and universal-ctags (ctags). This combination seamlessly blends old-school and modern tools. The bottom window shows the occurrence of referenced symbols that you specify (via lsp find references), while the right window shows the symbol outline of the current file (via lsp document symbols).


  • This screenshot demonstrates the use of literate programming in neovim, which is highly beneficial for data science workflows. You can write code in both Python and R with intelligent autocompletion from both LSP and Ctags in quarto or markdown files. Moreover, you can send your code to both R and Python REPL simultaneously.


  • This screenshot demonstrates how to debug Python program in neovim. Stepping through the code and watching variables and stack frames, just like in vscode.


You are responsible for installing the dependencies, but most of them are optional. They consist mainly of language servers and linters that correspond to their respective languages. You can choose the ones you need and leave out the others. Even if certain dependencies are absent, neovim will still operate and display notifications instead of halting completely.

If your system lacks a proper package manager, such as with Windows, or if the packages are out of date, as with Debian, you can use Mason.nvim, a neovim plugin specifically to install some of the dependencies. Dependencies marked with a * can be installed through Mason.nvim. To install these packages within neovim, enter :Mason in the prompt, and a popup window will appear with the intuitive interface of Mason. From there, you can easily install packages.

This configuration has an optional dependency efm-langserver, which can be installed via mason. However, it needs to be separately configured outside of neovim. An example configuration for efm is provided in the dist folder. To use this example configuration, simply copy the folder to ~/.config/.

#general purpose deps

  1. universal-ctags
  2. A C compiler. Required to install treesitter parsers.
  3. lazygit: this is only required if want to use lazygit in neovim (which is binded to <leader>og).
  4. fzf: this is only required if you are using fzf-lua as your fuzzy finder. You don't need it you are using telescope.
  5. ripgrep

#python deps

  1. python.
  2. debugpy: this module should be included by the python at the top of your $PATH.
  3. ipython
  4. black*
  5. efm-langserver*
  6. basedpyright*

#r deps

  1. r-language-server: this is a R package that should be installed by the r at the top of your $PATH
  2. radian

#lua deps

  1. lua-language-server*
  2. stylua*
  3. selene*
  4. efm-langserver*

#vimscript deps

  1. vim-language-server*

#markdown deps

  1. prettierd*
  2. vale*
  3. efm-langserver*

#sql deps

  1. sqls*
  2. sql-formatter*

#bash deps

  1. bash-language-server*
  2. shellcheck*

#latex deps

  1. texlab*
  2. latexindent*: while this package is shipped with texlive, perl shipped by macOS cannot run this program, so I use a homebrew installed latexindent instead.

#cpp deps

  1. clangd*: Apple's xcode command line tools ship this for you.


NOTE: this only includes keymaps defined by myself, and some of the default plugins keymaps that I used frequently.

The <Leader> key is <Space>, the <LocalLeader> key is <Space><Space> or <Backslash>.

In case you forget the keymaps you can always use <Leader>fk (:FzfLua keymaps or :Telescope keymaps) to find all keymaps.

#Builtin keymaps

#Builtin movement keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ic <C-b> <Left>
ic <C-p> <Up>
ic <C-f> <Right>
ic <C-n> <Down>
ic <C-a> Go to Beginning of the line
ic <C-e> Go to end of the line
ic <C-h> <Backspace>
ic <C-k> Del chars from cursor to line end
ic <C-d> Delete a char forwardly
c <A-f> Move cursor to next word
c <A-b> Move cursor to previous word
it jk Switch to normal mode

#Builtin window keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <A-f> Move current win to prev tab
n <A-b> Move current win to next tab
n <A-w> Go to next win
n <A-p> Go to Prev win
n <A-t> Move this win to new tab
n <A-q> Del this win
n <A-v> Vertically split current win
n <A-s> Horizontally split current win
n <A-h> Go to win to the left
n <A-j> Go to win to the below
n <A-k> Go to win to the above
n <A-l> Go to win to the right
n <A-H> Move current win to the left
n <A-J> Move current win to the below
n <A-K> Move current win to the above
n <A-L> Move current win to the right
n <A-o> Make current win the only win
n <A-=> Balance the win height/width
n <A-|> Maximize current win's width
n <A-_> Maximize current win's height
n <A-<> Decrease current win's width
n <A->> Increase current win's width
n <A-+> Increase current win's height
n <A--> Decrease current win's height
n <A-]> Downward scroll the float win
n <A-[> Upward scroll the float win
n <Leader>wf Move current win to prev tab
n <Leader>wb Move current win to next tab
n <Leader>ww Go to next win
n <Leader>wp Go to Prev win
n <Leader>wT Move this win to new tab
n <Leader>wq Del this win
n <Leader>wv Vertically split current win
n <Leader>ws Horizontally split current win
n <Leader>wh Go to win to the left
n <Leader>wj Go to win to the below
n <Leader>wk Go to win to the above
n <Leader>wl Go to win to the right
n <Leader>wH Move current win to the left
n <Leader>wJ Move current win to the below
n <Leader>wK Move current win to the above
n <Leader>wL Move current win to the right
n <Leader>wo Make current win the only win
n <Leader>w= Balance the win height/width
n <Leader>w] Downward scroll the float win
n <Leader>w[ Upward scroll the float win
n <Leader>w| Maximize current win's width
n <Leader>w_ Maximize current win's height
n <Leader>w] Jump to tags in a new window
n <Leader>wg] Select a tag to jump in a new window

#Builtin tab keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader><Tab>[ Go to next tab
n <Leader><Tab>] Go to prev tab
n <Leader><Tab>n Create a new tab
n <Leader><Tab>c Close current tab
n <Leader><Tab>o Close other tabs except this one
n <Leader><Tab>h Move tab to the left
n <Leader><Tab>l Move tab to the right
n <Leader><Tab>1 Go to 1st tab
n <Leader><Tab>2 Go to 2nd tab
n <Leader><Tab>3 Go to 3rd tab
n <Leader><Tab>4 Go to 4th tab
n <Leader><Tab>5 Go to 5th tab
n <Leader><Tab>6 Go to 6th tab
n <Leader><Tab>7 Go to 7th tab
n <Leader><Tab>8 Go to 8th tab
n <Leader><Tab>9 Go to 9th tab

#Builtin buffer keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>bd Delete current buffer
n <Leader>bw Wipeout current buffer
n <Leader>bp Prev buffer
n <Leader>bn Next buffer

#Builtin navigation keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]b Next buffer
n [b Previous buffer
n ]q Next quickfix list entry
n [q Prev quickfix list entry
n ]Q Set current quickfix list as newer one in qflist history
n [Q Set current quickfix list as older one in qflist history
n ]t Go to next tag location for currently searched symbol
n [t Go to previous tag location for currently searched symbol

#Builtin miscellenous keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <C-g> <ESC>
n <Leader>mt search current word from tags file and send to loclist
n <Leader>mdc Set working dir as current file's dir
n <Leader>mdu Set working dir up one level from current working dir
n <Leader>mc Pick a color scheme
n <Leader>th Toggle highlight serach (see :h hlsearch)
n <Leader>tn Toggle display line number
n <Leader>tH Toggle cmdheight between 0 or 1 (see :h cmdheight)
n <Leader>tw Toggle wrap (see :h wrap)
n <Leader>tc set conceallevel between 0 and 2 (see :h wrap)

#UI keymaps

#Pretty quickfix list keymaps

The following keymaps rely on Trouble.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>xw Toggle display of workspace diagnostics via Trouble
n <Leader>xd Toggle display of document diagnostics via Trouble
n <Leader>xl Toggle display of loclist via Trouble
n <Leader>xq Toggle display of quickfix list via Trouble
n <Leader>xr Toggle display of lsp references via Trouble

#Utils keymaps

#File explorer keymaps

The following keymaps rely on neo-tree.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>et Toggle file explorer via NeoTree
n <Leader>et Toggle git status explorer via NeoTree

#Window layout keymaps

The following keymaps rely on winshift.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>wm Rearrange windows layout

#Text Edit keymaps

#Align text keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-easy-align

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv ga Align the motion / text object / selected text by input separator

#Comment keymaps

The following keymaps rely on mini.comment

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv gc Comment / uncomment the motion / text object / selected text
n gcc Comment /uncomment current line
o gc Text object: a commented text block

#Text objects for functions keymaps

The following keymaps rely on dsf.vim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n dsf Delete a function call, don't delete the arguments
n dsnf Delete next function call, don't delete the arguments
n csf Change a function call, keep arguments the same
n csnf Change next function call, keep arguments the same

#Quick navigation keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-sneak

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nvo f Find the next input character
nvo F Find the previous input character
nvo t Guess from t vs f for vanilla vim
nvo T Guess from T vs F for vanilla vim
nv s Find the next 2 input chars
o z Motion: Find the next 2 input chars
n S Find the previous 2 input chars
ov Z Motion: Find the previous 2 input chars

#Text objects enhancement keymaps

The following keymaps rely on mini.ai

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov an Text object: find the next following "around" text object
ov aN Text object: find the previous following "around" text object
ov in Text object: find the next following "inner" text object
ov iN Text object: find the previous following "inner" text object
nov g( Motion: go to the start of the following "around" text object
nov g) Motion: go to the end of the following "around" text object

#Block text movement

The following keymaps rely on mini.move

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
v <A-h> Move left the block of text
v <A-j> Move down the block of text
v <A-k> Move up the block of text
v <A-l> Move right the block of text

#Surround pairs keymaps

The following keymaps rely on mini.surround

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n yss Add a surround pair for the whole line
n ys Add a surround pair for the following motion / text object
n yS Add a surround pair from cursor to line end
v S Add a surround pair for selected text
n cs Change the surround pair
n ds Delete the surround pair

#substitution keymaps

The following keymaps rely on substitute.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv gs Substitute the motion / text object / selected text by latest pasted text, don't cut the replaced text
n gss Similar to gs, operate on the whole line
n gS Similar to gs, operate on text from cursor to line end

#Other text objects keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-textobj-beween

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov ab Text object: around text between the input character
ov ib Text object: inner text between the input character

The following keymaps rely on vim-textobj-chainmember

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov a. Text object: around a chain of chained method calls
ov i. Text object: inner of a chain of chained method calls

#Integration with other tools

#Terminal emulator keymaps

The following keymaps rely on toggleterm.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>ot open the nth terminal, e.g <Leader>ot, 2<Leader>ot
n <Leader>t0 Toggle all terminals
n <Leader>t! Terminate the nth terminal
n <Leader>t1 Toggle the 1st terminal
n <Leader>t2 Toggle the 2nd terminal
n <Leader>t3 Toggle the 3rd terminal
n <Leader>t4 Toggle the 4th terminal

#Git keymaps

The following keymaps rely on gitsigns.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>gp Preview current git diff hunk
n <Leader>gv Preview current git diff hunk as virtual text
n <Leader>ga Git actions
n <Leader>gB Git blame current file
n <Leader>gb Git blame current line
n <Leader>gs Stage / Unstage current git diff hunk
n <Leader>gr Reset current git diff hunk
n <Leader>gq Send git diff hunks to qflist
n ]h Go to next git diff hunk
n [h Go to previous git diff hunk
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>og Open Lazygit

The following keymaps rely on mini.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>gd Show diff
n <Leader>gD Show staged diff
n <Leader>gl Show log
n <Leader>gL Show log of current buffer
n <Leader>gc commit
n <Leader>gc commit ammend
nv <Leader>gg DWIM (refer to mini-git's doc for show_at_cursor()')

#Search and Replace keymaps

The following keymaps rely on grug-far.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv <Leader>/ Open search and replace UI in a new tab
nv <Leader>ss search and replace with current word or selected text in horizontal split
nv <Leader>ss search and replace with current selected word or selected text in vertical split
nv <Leader>st search and replace with current selected word or selected text in new tab
nv <Leader>sf search and replace with current selected word or selected text within current file

#Minuet keymaps

The following keymaps rely on Minuet, a code completion plugin as an alternative to github copilot. Minuet allows you to select your preferred LLM for code completion.

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
i <M-'> Invoke minuet completion or cycle to next completion
i <M-;> Invoke minuet completion or cycle to previous completion
i <M-a> Accept line
i <M-z> Accept n lines of completion
i <M-A> Accept whole completion
i <M-e> Reject completion

#REPL keymaps

Note: with no numerical argument, the REPL is default for the first REPL.

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>tR Toggle float win for REPL
n <LocalLeader>rs Start REPL i, e.g. <LocalLeader>rs to start REPL 1 and 3<LocalLeader>rs to start REPL 3
n <LocalLeader>rf Focus on the window of REPL attached or REPL i, e.g. <LocalLeader>rf, 2<LocalLeader>rf
n <LocalLeader>rs Swap two REPLs.
n <LocalLeader>rv View REPLs in fuzzy finder (fzf or telescope).
n <LocalLeader>rh Hide the window of REPL attached or REPL i, e.g. <LocalLeader>rf, 2<LocalLeader>rf
n <LocalLeader>ra Attach current buffer to a REPL
n <LocalLeader>rd Detach current buffer to any REPL
n <LocalLeader>rq Exit REPL attached or REPL i, usage the same as above
n <LocalLeader>rc Clear invalid REPLs
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv <LocalLeader>s Send the motion / text object / selected text to the REPL attached or repl i, e.g. <LocalLeader>sap or 3<LocalLeader>ap
n <LocalLeader>ss Send current line to the REPL attached or REPL i, e.g. <LocalLeader>ss or 3<LocalLeader>ss

#Treesitter keymaps

#Syntax based text objects keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov af Text object: around a function definition
ov if Text object: inner of a function definition
ov ak Text object: the same as aC
ov ik Text object: the same as iC
ov al Text object: around a loop
ov il Text object: inner of a loop
ov ac Text object: around if-else conditions
ov ic Text object: inner of if-else conditions
ov ae Text object: around a function call
ov aA Text object: around a parameter(argument)
ov iA Text object: inner of a parameter(argument)

#Syntaxa based navigations keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]f Go to the start of next function definition
n ]k The same as ]<Leader>c
n ]l Go to the start of next loop
n ]c Go to the start of next if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]F Go to the end of next function definition
n ]K The same as ]<Leader>C
n ]L Go to the end of next loop
n ]C Go to the end of next if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n [f Go to the start of previous function definition
n [k The same as [<Leader>c
n [l Go to the start of previous loop
n [c Go to the start of previous if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n [F Go to the end of previous function definition
n [K The same as [<Leader>C
n [L Go to the end of previous loop
n [C Go to the end of previous if-else conditions


Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n g<CR> Jump to the start of the selected treesitter node
n g<BS> Jump to the end of the selected treesitter node
vo <CR> Select region based on treesitter node

#Searcher keymaps

The following keymaps rely on

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>ff Preview files in current working dir
n <Leader>fg Search current working dir via grep
n <Leader>fb Preview buffers
n <Leader>fh Preview vimhelp
n <Leader>fo Preview recently visited (old) files
n <Leader>fp Show recently visited projects
n <Leader>fk Show keymaps
n <Leader>fc Show commands
n <Leader>fC Show command history
n <Leader>fs Show lsp document symbols
n <Leader>fr Show registers
n <Leader>fj Show jumplist
n <Leader>fn Show notifications
n <Leader>fT Show treesitter nodes
n <Leader>ft Show tags
n <Leader>fe Show available searchers

#Language Server Protocol keymaps

The following keymaps rely on nvim-lspconfig

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>lt Go to current symbol's type definition
n <Leader>la LSP code actions
n <Leader>ls Show signature help
n <Leader>lf Format document
n K Hover (Show doc of symbol under the cursor)
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n gr Show references of current symbol
n gd Show definitions of current symbol
n <Leader>li Show implementations of current symbol
n <Leader>ld Show diagnostics of current project
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>ln Rename current symbol
n gh Hover (show documentation of) current symbol
n [d Go to previous diagnostics location
n ]d Go to previous diagnostics location
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
i <A-s> Show signature help
i <A-h> Hover

The following keymaps rely on aerial.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>lo Toggle the outline of document symbols

#Autocompletion keymaps

The following keymaps rely on nvim-cmp

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
i <C-b> Scoll up the documentation
i <C-f> Scoll down the documentation
i <C-n> Select next candidate
i <C-p> Select previous candidate
i <A-i> Manually invoke the completion
i <Tab> Select the candidate / expand the snippet / go to next slot in snippet
i <S-Tab> Select previous candidate / go to previous slot in snippet
i <C-e> Abort the completion

#Debugger Adapter Protocol keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <F5> Continue
n <F6> Pause
n <S-F5> Close
n <F8> Run to cursor
n <F9> Toggle break point
n <S-F9> Set conditional breakpoint
n <F10> Step over
n <F11> Step into
n <S-F11> Step out
n <Leader>dh Hover the DAP information for current symbol
n <Leader>dr Toggle the REPL of the DAP session
n <Leader>du Toggle the fancy UI (side panel) of DAP
n <Leader>dc Show available DAP commands
n <Leader>dC Show available DAP configurations
n <Leader>db List breakpoints
n <Leader>dv List DAP variables
n <Leader>df List DAP frames

#orgmode keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>oa Open org agenda
n <Leader>oc Open org capture

#Filetype Specific Keymaps

#R keymaps

#Builtin keymaps for R
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov a<Leader>c Text objects: a code chunk
ov i<Leader>c Text objects: inner code chunk
#REPL keymaps for R

The following keymaps rely on yarepl.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>rs Start the R REPL
n <LocalLeader>rq Stop the R REPL
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>ss Send current line to console
nv <LocalLeader>s Send motion / text object / selected text to console
nv <LocalLeader>sc Send code chunk to console

#Python keymaps

#Builtin keymaps for Python
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov a<Leader>c Text objects: a code chunk
ov i<Leader>c Text objects: inner code chunk
#REPL keymaps for Python

The following keymaps rely on yarepl.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>rs Start the python REPL
n <LocalLeader>rq Stop the python REPL
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>sc Send code chunk to console 1
n <LocalLeader>1sc Send code chunk to console 1
n <LocalLeader>2sc Send code chunk to console 2
n <LocalLeader>3sc Send code chunk to console 3
n <LocalLeader>4sc Send code chunk to console 4
n <LocalLeader>5sc Send code chunk to console 5
n <LocalLeader>6sc Send code chunk to console 6
n <LocalLeader>7sc Send code chunk to console 7
n <LocalLeader>8sc Send code chunk to console 8
n <LocalLeader>9sc Send code chunk to console 9

#Edit string codeblock

The following keymaps is useful for working on embedded languages. For example the embedded SQL code in python string.

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>' Open a temp buffer to edit the string
n <LocalLeader>c write the change in temp buffer to original file
n <LocalLeader>k discard the temp buffer and don't write the change

#Rmarkdown keymaps

#Builtin keymaps for Rmarkdown
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov ac Text object: a code chunk
ov ic Text object: inner code chunk
#Text objects keymaps for Rmarkdown

The following keymaps rely on dsf.vim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov ae Text object: a function call
ov ie Text object: inner function call
#Rmarkdown preview keymaps
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <localleader>mp Preview markdown file

#Markdown keymaps

The following keymaps rely on markdown-previem.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <localleader>mp Preview markdown file

#Latex keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vimtex

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>ll Toggle auto-compile process
n <LocalLeader>lc Clean the auxiliary files
n <LocalLeader>lt Toggle the table of contents
n <LocalLeader>lv View the generated document
n <LocalLeader>lk Stop the compilation
n <LocalLeader>lm Toggle compilation based on main file or current file
n <LocalLeader>la Show the context menu for symbol under the cursor
n <LocalLeader>lo Show the compile output
n <LocalLeader>ss Add a surround env pair for current line
nv <LocalLeader>s Add a surround env pair for motion / text object / selected text
nv <LocalLeader>c Add a surround command pair for motion / text object / selected text
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n dse Delete the surround env
n dsc Delete the surround command
n ds$ Delete the surround math delimiter
n dsd Delete the surround delimiter
n cse Change the surround env
n csc Change the surround command
n cs$ Change the surround math delimiter
n csd Change the surround delimiter

#Dist Module

The dist directory houses various configuration files for tools that integrate with my Neovim workflow. Check README for details.

#Patches Module

The patches houses a collection of compact, commonly utilized patches designed for various environments. These modifications are straightforward and don't require separate branch management (unlike the vscode branch used for vscode-neovim configurations). For organizational simplicity, all patches are consolidated in this single directory.

#Other Notes

  1. vim-sneak defines relatively inconsistent behavior: in normal mode, use s/S, in operator pending mode, use z/Z, in visual mode, use s/Z. In normal mode, default mapping s is replaced. In op mode, use z/Z is to be compatible with vim-surround (mappings: ys/ds/cs), in visual mode, use s/Z is to be compatible with folding (mapping: zf) and vim-surround (mapping: S)

  2. You need to define your leader key before defining any keymaps. Otherwise, keymap will not be correctly mapped with your leader key.

  3. vim-matchup will (intentionally) hide the status-line if the matched pair are spanned over entire screen to show the other side of the pair.


  1. It is recommended to use the mailing list ~northyear/nvim-devel@lists.sr.ht.
  2. Alternatively, you are also welcome to open a Github issue.