98abdcf update(espanso): update espanso configuration
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/dots git
c70f22d update(espanso): update espanso configuration
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/dots git
a285094 update(osx): update brew casks and formulae
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/dots git
91e43c0 feat: add align.nvim, tag keymap descriptions
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git
91e43c0 feat: add align.nvim, tag keymap descriptions
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git
0d405d1 refactor: refactor nvim-cmp config.
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git
0a534d6 refactor(keymaps): set keymaps through table
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git
4b61e01 lazy: update lazy plugins
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git
a2fb5af add git version control plugins
~notalex pushed to ~notalex/nvim git