
Terminal Emulator

e378ec4 Implement CSI L/M with a line count != 1

3 months ago

77907e7 Add LICENSE

3 months ago



A Terminal Emulator


use Anolis::Interface;
use Anolis;

class Interface does Anolis::Interface {
    method heading-changed(Str $heading) { ... }
    method grid-changed(@changed-areas) {
        # Do stuff with the changes.
        # Or access $anolis.screen.grid to read the window.
    method log(Str $text) { ... }

my Proc::Async $proc .= new: :pty(:rows(32), :cols(72)), 'bash';
my Interface $interface .= new;
my $anolis = Anolis.new: :$proc-async, :$interface;



This module implements a Terminal Emulator. It's meant to be connected to a PTY. Once done, it will read the data stream the child sends and update it's virtual model of a terminal accordingly. It tries to mimic XTerm and is thus best used with TERM=xterm in the environment.

Currently many features are missing, but enough is implemented to get simple CLI programs working and not fail too hard with TUI apps. Vim mostly works.


Patrick Böker patrick.boeker@posteo.de


This module is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.