
DOOM for the EMFcamp TiDAL badge :)

1e38c84 updated for Sourcehut hosting

11 months ago

#2 JavaSDR - broken dependency on SoapySDRJava

~phlash commented on SoManyBugs todo

1 year, 1 month ago

#A port of DOOM for the EMF camp TiDAL badge (ESP32S3, ST7789)

Yet another DOOM port, this one specifically to be loaded on the TiDAL badge as a standard python module and integrated to the application manager.


This is experimental code, not a polished application, as such it has sharp edges that may cause you problems - take note and use caution:

  • It's big, it hogs lots of flash storage space (~3MB) and writing to a device is excrutiatingly slow (thanks to pyboard.py assuming a real serial port). If you know how to speed up pyboard.py or if a different tool/technique is faster to copy over to flash, please make it so!
  • Running this will overwrite your unused OTA partition with the doom.bin file. If you don't know what this means, you probably need to read some of the documentation about the TiDAL badge. There was a plan to back up the partition first, but it doesn't fit on the flash storage along with the WAD..
  • Installer logic is non-existant. You will want to tinker with the lines in the Makefile after an initial install to speed things up. If you think this could work better (file size/hashes to avoid copying?), please make it so :)


Seriously... ok: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/it-runs-doom


A much better question:

  • The 'hard bit' of running game logic, then rendering a 3D frame from the level/texture data in the WAD and the player position, is handled by a gently massaged^ version of the idTech 1 engine, as supplied by the excellent doomgeneric, it's a submodule of this project.
  • The 'other bits' of handling file I/O to the WAD, reading player inputs and blitting the frame is written in python using the TiDAL badge API. This gets us integration with the application manager and deployability via the hatchery so everyone can play...
  • Sound you say? The badge does have Bluetooth(LE), so it should be possible to hook up some AirPods, maybe when the graphics are working? It may even be possible to hack up some PWM audio from a GPIO pin..

^ I had made about 4000LoC changes, to remove declared data and static variables since micropython's .mpy format doesn't support either. This turned out to be a huge waste of effort, as I now build a separate application binary that does support such things, and load it myself.


  • The Xtensa ESP32S3 targetted version of GCC from Espressif cross-tools: https://github.com/espressif/crosstool-NG/releases, specifically the esp32s3-elf-gcc11_2_0-esp-2022r1-<your host technology here>.tar.xz
  • Micropython repo (it's a submodule of this project) for final assembly of compiled object code into doomloader.mpy loadable python module and providing the uPython dynamic module API.
  • Python3 plus python3-pyelftools package (on my Debian system)
  • A copy of an appropriate WAD file (search for DOOM1.WAD for demo game) if you want to mess with an original (uncompressed) file, otherwise the DOOM1.WAD supplied here is the standard shareware offerring with assets compressed through gzip.

#Build 'n Debug

First, ensure you have the Xtensa GCC cross-compiler for you host system installed (unpacked) somewhere easy to refer to by environment variable.

Second, clone this project, and yank those submodules (but not recursive!):

% cd <project dir>
% git submodule init --update

Thirdly, check you can access the TiDAL badge python REPL via serial port as this is how we'll be loading the test app (with the pyboard.py program from the micropython project).

Building should now work via GNU make, provided it's told where to find the Xtensa GCC:

% make COMPILER=<path to xtensa top level>
% export COMPILER=<path to xtensa top level>
% make

Installing the built module and wrapper python looks like this:

% make install
% micropython/tools/pyboard.py --no-soft-reset -f mkdir /apps/Doom
% micropython/tools/pyboard.py --no-soft-reset -f cp __init__.py :/apps/Doom/
% micropython/tools/pyboard.py --no-soft-reset -f cp doomloader.mpy :/apps/Doom/
% micropython/tools/pyboard.py --no-soft-reset -f cp build/doom.bin :/apps/Doom/
% micropython/tools/pyboard.py --no-soft-reset -f cp DOOM1.WAD :/apps/Doom/

Debugging is by resetting the badge, then connecting your favourite serial terminal program (I like minicom) to the TiDAL badge REPL, before selecting Doom app on the badge screen...

#What's all the other stuff?

phlashboot is a test program to ensure I can build/install/run a very simple program on a bare metal device, and/or as an application in an OTA slot.

memstuff is my investigation of the workings of ESP32S3 memory mapping/caching to make very sure I understand it, and see how it's used by micropython, so I can do vile things without causing harm...

  • romread and supporting bits is a .mpy module for poking about in memory..
  • binsegments is a trivial display program for ESP-IDF format .bin files that are loaded from bootstrap or an OTA partition.
  • other files are notes and logs (especially useful: uPython.map)

#How's it going?

After a month of effort on and off, it seems to work..