8d5ba4a Do not update history if it is frame-specific
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
1ae260f Make fontaine-set-preset-hook a defcustom
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
92405cb Make fontaine-apply-current-preset work with Emacs 29 theme hook
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
d4c958f Pass correct height when setting the 'bold' face
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
016a671 Tweak markup of proper code symbol
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
bb978ca Add informative :tag to weight selection widget
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
96cece3 Make it possible to inherit a preset in another preset
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
e7c6c0a Bump version to trigger package rebuild
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git
fa00972 Remove faulty height from bold face
~protesilaos pushed to ~protesilaos/fontaine git