remindme Discord bot
Command wkdhash takes a mail user as its first argument and returns its sha1 encoded in base32 for use in a Web Key Directory.
Command wkdserver serves a WKD as specified by <>
Poppy Music Player
Fusing Functor-general effectful streams.
1954918 Throw on left & strict folds of infinite streams
~qrpnxz pushed to ~qrpnxz/zerem git
87880b9 Fix license file location in cabal
~qrpnxz pushed to ~qrpnxz/zerem git
25eebec User DerivingVia to reuse instances
~qrpnxz pushed to ~qrpnxz/zerem git
957f8cb Productive min, max, prod on infinites
~qrpnxz pushed to ~qrpnxz/zerem git