humble haskeller
PhD in quantum fingerprinting and cryptography. Interested in quantum algorithms and TCS
Generates regulations for a tournament by ChGK-like game
Telegram bot to save and distribute links to ChGK discussions among tournament players
AppealR gamifies the process of identifying inconsistencies in the rules of 'What? Where? When?' game
QJudge is like ejudge, but for quantum algorithms
Downloads articles from Arxiv and creates notes in org-roam
46a8fdf Убрал благодарности Helvetia Cup по просьбе оргов
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
d1bcfd7 Частая проблема: долгая верификация
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
4934ea1 Handle errors in sending in poll_discussions
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
fad1145 bot: fix: ошибка при отправке приглашений
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
5aea286 bot: change: Режим Auto по умолчанию
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
1dceff9 Ссылки на changelog, бота и т.п.
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git
53f936b fixup: Green color for bot
~rd pushed to ~rd/blame-bot git