
Downloads articles from Arxiv and creates notes in org-roam

#7 Strip special symbols and newlines

~rd commented on arxiv-org todo

2 years ago

cd33eee Remove newlines from long titles

~rd pushed to ~rd/arxiv-org git

2 years ago


Downloads preprint from arxiv and creates a note in org-roam


arxiv-org [-t <tag> ...] [<ident> ...]

Downloads preprints with given identifiers and creates a note for each of them. The note contains tags that are given in command line or in config file.

Downloaded PDF will be named <ident>--<title>.pdf, and notes will be named <ident>--<title>.org.

Do not forget to sync org-roam database after creating notes!


Configuration file ~/.config/arxiv-org/arxiv-org.toml contains:

  • root - a folder for downloading pdf (~/Documents/arxiv by default)
  • tags - default tags to put into a note (none)
  • note_root - a folder for creating notes (~/org/roam)
  • note_template - a template for note (~/.local/share/arxiv-org/note.hbs by default)

Example note can be found in share/note.hbs.