
A powerful pet container manager

#4 ECR: Fedora 36 image

~aral filed ticket on nsbox todo

2 years ago

#3 Error running fedora:35 image (with -boot) on Fedora Silverblue 36

~aral filed ticket on nsbox todo

2 years ago


nsbox is a multi-purpose, nspawn-powered container manager. Please see the website for more user-friendly information and documentation.

#Build dependencies

You need:

  • Google's GN to generate the build files. Building this from source is pretty simple, see the instructions on the site for more info.
  • Ninja to actually...build stuff.
  • The Go compiler.
  • GCC or Clang for compiling cgo code.
  • Python 3, which is used to run some of the build scripts.
  • The systemd development headers.

#Building the code


$ go mod vendor
$ gn gen out
$ ninja -C out

The resulting files should all be under out/install. Then, you can run build/install.py out to install to /usr/local (or set --prefix and/or --destdir, with the usual meanings).

#Build configuration

Run gn args --list out to see all the configuration arguments nsbox supports. You can use these options to set the saved paths (e.g. the libexec directory) to your distro's preferred locations.

#Building the website


$ cd web
$ yarn
# Run a development web server:
$ yarn run dev
# Build the production docs:
$ yarn run build


#Submitting Patches

Please see the guide for submitting patches on git.sr.ht. (If you choose to use git send-email, the patches should be sent to ~refi64/nsbox-devel@lists.sr.ht.)

#Coding Guidelines


#Running the tests

These are not currently functional! I'm doing a major overhaul to the way tests work.

Unit testing is done by running Expect scripts inside an isolated environment. Do not run the tests on your host system, as they will modify your containers.

Vagrant is used to manage the virtual environments (as a VM is required to test SELinux integration). The libvirt provider is required.


vagrant up

to bring up and provision the box (this includes building and installing nsbox inside). Once that is complete, you can run:

vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/tests/main.exp

to run the unit tests.

TODO: document test runner

#Misc. notes

#Updating the theme

$ git -C VUEPRESS/packages/@vuepress/theme-default diff --relative v.PREV ':(exclude)__tests__' |\
  git apply --reject --directory web/.vuepress/theme