My dotfiles.
A forge for Qurʾān recitations.
A program to generate word level timestamps of Qurʾān recitations.
A standard to allow websites to link to each other.
Demonstration of a similar posts recommendation system for static sites.
bf052fe update obs global keybinds and carry out general maintenance
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
7a77c73 add backup script and carry out general maintenance
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
ad3eb56 fix typo in
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/tilawah-hub git
9dce646 preserve word splitting, remove past request data
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/lafzize git
9dce646 preserve word splitting, remove past request data
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/lafzize git
04f0632 carry out general maintenance
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
0596289 use pipx for installing python programs
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
86801e1 add emacsclient mail helper
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
32b01d3 carry out general maintenance
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/dot git
87a4b25 update
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/friends.txt git
5ece964 add notice about supabase changes
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/minb git
4c1ca94 fix config path
~rehandaphedar pushed to ~rehandaphedar/omnivorg git