A project planning syntax too simple to forget
Simple encrypted notes
Test little scripts, saved to localStorage
Offline, mobile Vietnamese dictionary, downloadable as a PWA
no-nonsense gitignore manager
fee2e02 Make usage clearer
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/markdown-plan git
8f74756 Smaller image
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/markdown-plan git
6fe5fdd Link to desktop app (very WIP)
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/markdown-plan git
02e745a Fix missing image
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/markdown-plan git
b3e4e25 Link to desktop app (very WIP)
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/markdown-plan git
cb4972c Store unique gpg id fingerprint on initialization
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/notes git
665c18d Mobile viewport
~rexgarland pushed to ~rexgarland/js-sandbox git