README h2g is a HTML to gemtext converter. It reads HTML from stdin and writes gemtext to stdout handling a subset of HTML elements and entities. The following HTML elements are recognized, the rest is ignored: * <a href=> A reference number is inserted instead of the link and the link is added to a list at the bottom of the document. Links to element identifier are ignored. In relative local links (starting with '.') a '.html' suffix is replaced with '.gmi'. * <b> Element is surrounded with '*'. * <br> A line break is enforced. * <em>, <i>, <u> Element is surrounded with '_'. * <h1> to <h6> Content is put on a single line and prefixed with the corresponding number of '#'. Block is enclosed with empty lines. * <img> Alt text is printed in place of the image and the source is added to the footnote link list. * <p> Block is enclosed with empty lines. * <pre>, <blockquote> Content is written as is, dropping leading and trailing empty lines. Block is enclosed with empty lines. * <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td> Tables are surrounded with empty lines. Each row is printed to a single line. A literal tab character is inserted between two <td> elements. <tr> is treated the same as <td>. * <li> inside <ol> Each <li> element is printed to a single line prefixed with a consecutively increasing number. Block is enclosed with empty lines. * <li> inside <ul> Each <li> element is printed to a single line prefixed with '*'. Block is enclosed with empty lines. * <s> For every word in the element a ^W is printed after the element. CAVEATS * All input is ignored until a <body> element is found! BUGS PATCHES FEATURE REQUESTS QUESTIONS INSULTS EXAMPLE Input: ------ <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>TITLE</title> </head> <body> <header> <H1>H1</H1> </header> <h2>H2</h2> <p><s>A sentence</s>Paragraph <em>with</em> an <u>important</u> <a href="./local.html"><b>local</b> link</a>.</p> <img alt='alt text' src='./img.png'> <pre> Pre-formatted text </pre> break<br>row <ul> <li>List entry</li> </ul> <ol> <li>Ordered list entry</li> </ol> <table> <tr><th>Entity</th><th>Symbol</th></tr> <tr><td>&amp;</td><td>&</td></tr> <tr><td>&apos;</td><td>'</td></tr> <tr><td>&gt;</td><td>></td></tr> <tr><td>&lt;</td><td><</td></tr> </table> </body> </html> Output: ------- # H1 ## H2 A sentence^W^WParagraph _with_ an _important_ *local* link[0]. alt text[1] ``` Pre-formatted text ``` break row * List entry * 1) Ordered list entry Entity Symbol & & ' ' > > < < => ./local.gmi [0] local link => ./img.png [1] alt text