
Tracking for how long you have worked using tmux

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Log for how long you have been attached to a tmux session

As the name suggests, this is intended to be used to see how many hours you have worked.


Warning: You have to detach before ending the session! Otherwise the last session duration will not be logged.

Start the tmux session with workinghours --init. This will create a session called 'work' by default and set up hooks to call workinghours with the appropriate parameters when attaching/detaching the session. Default session name is work with all files using workinghours. You can provide a different session name with --session.

When attaching a timestamp will be saved to /.workinghours/workinghours_starttime. When detaching this file will be removed and the total will be added to to the summary file. This only applies if your are the last/first client for this session. The summary is written to /.workinghours/workinghours. You can change the path in workinghours by setting the path variable in your ~/.workinghoursrc.

While working use workinghours to get current duration for the running session - can be combined with --session.

Call workinghours with the --new-week parameter to archive the current database file. The file is moved to .workinghours/archive/$YEAR/$WEEK, where $YEAR is the year and $WEEK is the ISO-8601 number of the week for the week before (Rational is, that you run it on Mondays, when starting work.). The --new-week parameter needs an additional numeric parameter representing the amount of hours you should have worked in the last week. With this parameter your over-all overtime is calculated and saved in overtime. Use --week-number to use a different week number then the one from the week before. Use --new-week -1 to not calculate overtime. If .workinghours is a git repository (contains a directory named .git) then all files inside .workinghours will be staged and committed.

If you forgot to archive your working hours on Monday use the --before option to only archive logged hours before the given date. Already logged times from the same day will not be archived. Example: --before 2019-12-23 will archive all entries made before the 2019-12-23 not including those from the 23rd of December.


Start a new session for your a project

workinghours -s sideproject -i

Check for how long you've been working without a break

workinghours -s sideproject

Detach, make sure session is closed and see how long you worked

workinghours -s sideproject

Archive the last week (supposing you should work 40 hours and there was one holiday)

workinghours -s sideproject -w 32

Archive the last week (supposing there is no mandatory amount of hours to work)

workinghours -s sideproject -w 0

Archive the week before your vacation (supposing you should work 40 hours and the last week working was number 17)

workinghours -s sideproject -w 40 --week-number 17

After your vacation you realize on Wednesday that you forgot to archive your working hours before your vacation (supposing you should work 40 hours and the last week working was number 17)

workinghours -s sideproject -w 40 --week-number 17 --before 2019-05-06

Create a new session while being attached to a running remote session

workinghours -s secondSession -i --no-attach

You can group summary files in subdirectories by using the --customer option. This will create a directory big_customer in ~/.workinghours and store the current_project file in there.

workinghours -s current_project -c big_customer -i


If a ~/.workinghoursrc is present it will be sourced. To overwrite default options just set the according variables there. As it is sourced, you need to use valid bash syntax.

As .workinghoursrc is sourced anyone with write access could insert malicious commands - consider setting 600 as permission.



#Zsh Completion

workinghours includes a simple Zsh completion file. It's recommended to symlink to it from somewhere within your fpath. This way you will always have the latest version when updating.


  • create weekly / monthly / yearly summaries
  • Why the session-closed hook doesn't work?

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